Legal notice and cookie policy
Legal information
La Légumière
4 Kerarzi, 29233 Cléder
SAS LA LEGUMIERE with a capital of 150 000,00 €.
Webmaster : – LES FLIBUSTIERS –
Creator of the website : • LES FLIBUSTIERS •
Website host :
WP Server
More information on hosting: WWW.WPSERVEUR.NET
La Légumière is registered in the BrestTrade and Companies Register B 392 104 071.
La Légumière is identified under the siret number 39210407100015, for the activity ” Commerce de gros (commerce interentreprises) de fruits et légumes (4631Z) “.
Privacy Policy
The La Légumière team is particularly attentive to the legal obligations of any website publisher and follows the recommendations of the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL).
In general, you can visit the La Légumière website without having to declare your identity and provide personal information about yourself. However, you may be asked for information. For example, to be able to respond to your contact request, provide you with a quote, fulfill your order, etc.
La Légumière respects the privacy of Internet users and complies strictly with the laws in force on the protection of privacy and individual freedoms. No personal information is collected without your knowledge. No personal information is given to third parties. E-mails, e-mail addresses or other personal information received by this site are not used in any way and are only kept for the time necessary to process them.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), any person may exercise his or her right of access, rectification, opposition, limitation of processing, deletion and portability of data concerning him or her by making a request:
– By mail signed with a photocopy of your ID (this information will not be kept or used for other purposes) to the owner’s address indicated at the top of this page.
– Through the contact form ACCESSIBLE HERE
La Légumière undertakes to process your request and to provide you with a reply within one month of the request for access or rectification.
Contact us
La Légumière offers you the possibility of corresponding with its services for any question, through the CONTACT FORM HERE.
La Légumière is committed to providing you with an answer as soon as possible.
Cookie Policy
General terms and conditions of sale
Our goods, sold ex-works or carriage paid, travel at the risk of the recipient.
Our delivery times are given as an indication only.
In the event of damage occurring during transport, when the goods are not delivered by us, it is the responsibility of the consignee to exercise all recourse against the carriers, in accordance with Articles 105 and 106 of the Commercial Code.
However, if we deliver the goods ourselves, complaints must be made upon delivery.
Our goods being perishable will be approved on arrival whatever the mode of transport, the unloading being worth approval: no complaint could thus be admitted later.
Payment of our invoices is due within 30 days of delivery, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Any sum not paid on the due date will give rise to the payment by the customer of penalties fixed at three times the legal interest rate in force on the due date indicated on the invoice. These penalties are payable by operation of law.
In accordance with articles L.441-6 and D.441-5 of the Commercial Code, any delay in payment automatically entails, in addition to late payment penalties, an obligation for the debtor to pay a fixed indemnity of 40 € for collection costs.
An additional indemnity may be claimed, upon justification, when the collection costs are higher than the amount of the fixed indemnity.
Non-payment of any due date shall automatically result in the payment of the entire outstanding balance and the suspension of deliveries.
No discount will be granted for early payment.
Any dispute will be under the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of BREST, even in case of multiple defendants or appeal in guarantee.
Property Clauses:
The present sale is concluded with reserve of property to the profit of the salesman. It is agreed between the parties that the transfer of ownership to the buyer is subject to full payment of the price.
In the event of total or partial non-payment of the price and its accessories on the agreed due date for any reason and at any price whatsoever, the seller is already authorized by the buyer to proceed with an inventory of all the goods belonging to him, either in a contradictory manner, or by being assisted by a bailiff.